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Tabris Lives Again!
If you think this will be a are RIGHT

For about two months, I have been obsessively thinking about getting a new computer. It will not help me program better, browse the Internet faster, or avoid going on aim more successfully. It will let me play Doom 3, Half-Life 2, and maybe even Everquest 2. This has been my hope going for quite a while. For soon, I shall be graduating from graduate school and will have to enter the real world. This means that I can no longer screw away my time. I must begin working. This means my life is pretty much over. So looking at my bleak reality before me, I needed something to give me hope that there will be something in my life to give me joy. A new computer will be it. Which is good, as the job will provide me with the means to pay for new my system. (It's going to have dual sli video cards.)

Doom and Half-Life could keep me busy for a couple of weeks at best. "What will I fill my new life with?" I thought to myself. Everquest 2 seemed to be a good enough answer. Other people will probably be thinking about starting a family, buying a home...working diligently on a career. HaHa! Not me, I look forward to letting my youth slip through my fingers by virtual fishing off the dock in Qeynos.

This Chrismast my brothers decided to accelerate my plan by surprising me with Everquest 2 this Chrismast. Probably the most cruel gift I have ever received. First off, my computer is not supposed to run it. I built this thing three years ago now (ironically enough, to play Doom 3) and it can not keep up with the sweet sweet visuals that the new blackburrow is going to demand. (They told me to just hold on to it until I get my new computer. That is like giving a child a present a few months before Christmas and telling him that he may hold it, and look at it, and consider all the possibilities that lay within, but that he may not open it.) Why they couldn't of gotten me MGS3 or PoP2, I don't know. Also if I do play it, this game will completely suck away my life. Much like how the first did. I have repeated my vow to many others that I will never again play a MMORPG. I even gave passionate warnings against these marriage destroying games.

As you can see from the above screenshot, I ended up installing the game. It was inevitalbe. Also, I have already doubled my RAM to 1 gig just to play this stupid game. I intend to build another computer soon, and I just sunk another $90.00 into this one. I blame my brothers. I am trying to resurrect my old character from EQ1. Too bad there wasn't a Karana server to choose from when I made my character. I just hope I don't run into any French this time around. EQ1 proved to me that they are infact arrogant, ignornant, and rude people, whether they are playing as a dark elf or not. (Sorry Cory, it's true.) But I digress. I am currently a human Predator working my way up to the Ranger rank at lvl 18. The game as been quite fun and very addictive, as I feared. I've been going to bed at 2:00 a.m. and setting my alarm for 8:13 to get up and log in again for a couple hours. How sad.

I'm hoping to be chronicaling my adventures in Norrath here on the website. I've alread taken a few funny screenshots and I'm going to see what I can come up with. I can't wait to start ruining my new life in the coming months while perfecting my dual-wield and tracking skills!

Oh and Prime 2 rocks.

Suggestions, Comments, Concerns?
Touch me gently.

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